If I compile and export this, nothing happens. Uint8_t eepStatus = eep.begin(extEEPROM::twiClock400kHz) //go fast! so the sketch doesn't do unnecessary EEPROM writes every time it's reset.Ĭonst uint32_t totalKBytes = 64 //for read and write test functionsĮxtEEPROM eep(kbits_256, 2, 64) //device size, number of devices, page sizeĬonst uint8_t btnStart = 6 //start button Wire a button from digital pin 6 to ground, this is used as a start button
Writes the EEPROM full of 32-bit integers and reads them back to verify. Here is the J Christensen example, as per you recommendations: //Test extEEPROM library. And I really need to get my radio working. OK, pardon me for being really new and really dumb (I am, after all, but a humble mechanical engineer), but I am failing to understand anything I see. The program should also be working for 24128 as 24C512 and 24C128 are pin-compatible and TWI-bus compatible chips.
Serial.println(x, HEX) //show value on Serial Monitor shows: 23 Wire.requestFrom(eeDeviceAddress, 1) //read 1 byte data from location 1234 and save in bufferīyte x = Wire.read() //bring data byte from buffer into x Wire.endTransmission() //end all the above queued data and STOPĭelay(5) //wait for the data byte to get written into EEPROM location Wire.write(dataByte) //data byte 23h fro the location 1234h Wire.write(adrLocUbyte) //select (point) EEPROM location 1234h Wire.beginTransmission(eeDeviceAddress) //select EEPROM by doing a roll call Store (write) 0x23 into location 0x1234 of the EEPROM read it back, and show it on Serail Monitor and LCD. Build the following circuit between UNO, 24C128, and I2C LCD. You may collect an Arduino UNO which will hopefully answer your above questions.Ģ.